Thursday, November 17, 2011


Fedora 15 installation issues:

1.Stall on bootup.
Fedora tries to bring up wireless connection and blocks there.

Solution: disable wireless on bootup

Edit grub booting options, delete "rhgb" and "quiet" to disable graphics in booting. So we can see what is happening during booting.
The result is that fedora hangs when trying to bring up wireless connection. (It should do this in background but it didn't.)
2.Enter single mode to fix.
Edit grub booting options, add "single" to enter single mode.
Go to /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts and find any wireless config file.
Edit those config files, modify to "ONBOOT=no".

2.Go Issue
Can't find certain package in Go, and after compilation binary won't run.

Make sure $GOOS and $GOARCH are correct.
ethos/etn and ethos/types should be built and installed separately.

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